> ANZ IDLSociety
The International Data Link Society (IDLSoc) had its origins from the International Data Links Symposium (IDLS) held in 2001, and has been conducted on an annual basis since that time. IDLS is the premier TDL forum hosted annually to promote innovative discussion involving all aspects of military and civil Data Links and exposes TDL community to advances and future directions in TDL technology.
In 2004 the IDLSoc was chartered as a non-profit organisation to provide a forum for the Data Links community and to conduct the annual event.
The goals of the IDLSoc are to provide a government-industry forum to inform each other of accomplishments, trends and developments in military and civil data link technology. Thereby furthering interoperability, effectiveness of digital information exchange and creating a framework of co-operation across nations to allow sharing of lessons learned and best practices.
The AS/NZ Chapter was established in 2005 to promote Society goals on behalf of over fifty local members. Chapter achievements include hosting IDLS in 2005 and 2008, as well as the conduct of training activities and forums at the annual MILCIS conference.
The Chapter normally holds its Annual General Meeting in November each year and the current committee members are;

Defence Co-Chair - Currently Vacant

Industry Co-Chair - Mr Brent Maher

Secretary - Currently Vacant

Treasurer - Mr Darren Hatfield

If you would like to contact any of the committee members, please contact the Chapter secretariat enquiry using the enquiry form located here.

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ANZ IDLSoc - Society and Chapter
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